Unified Communication
Calling, conferencing, messaging, and scheduling. By bringing together these critical information sources and providing the ability to act on that information in a single session, mobile employees can get to their most important information and communications functions through their phones, PDA’s, desktop PC’s, or laptops – allowing more time to pursue new sales leads, and help give your company a competitive edge.
Streem Link Communications knows how unified communications can be used to allow workers access to the communication tools they need – from wherever they are. Unity can provide the guidance to meet your business needs in this mobile work environment.
Unified communications is business done via telephone, conferencing, email, voice mail, instant messaging, video, and collaboration. Which can be provided across a variety of interfaces -via PC or internet, telephones and mobile devices or speech.
Employees today have too many devices and communication applications to manage. Users are bombarded with phone calls, email, voice mail, fax, and instant messaging. They participate in a variety of conference interactions including audio with or without video. With all these tools, employees spend too much time managing devices and operating the tools, which diminishes the time and quality of communicating and interacting with business associates.